NETmundial gives a step forward towards an equal and multistakeholder Internet

Brazilian Internet Bill of Rights was sanctioned by President Rousseff in the event. The first day brings together 1229 participants from 97 countries.

Sao Paulo, April 23, 2014 – NETmundial – The Multistakeholder Global Meeting on the future of Internet governance – closed its first day of discussions celebrating advances in defining the principles of Internet governance and the roadmap for future development of Internet governance. The opening event was attended by the President of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff, who endorsed the text of the Brazilian Internet Bill of Rights, approved yesterday by the Brazilian Senate.

Besides President Dilma Rousseff, representatives of the various stakeholders involved in the discussion of Internet governance attended the opening ceremony: the Communications Minister of Brazil Paulo Bernardo; the President of NETmundial and Secretary of IT Policy of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation of Brazil, Virgilio Almeida;  the Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs, Wu Hongbo; the representative of the academic sector and President of ICANN, Fadi Chehade; the representative of the technical sector and creator of the Web, Tim Berners-Lee; the representative of the private sector and Vice President of Google, Vint Cerf; and the representative of the civil society and activist Nnenna Nwakanma. The Mayor of Sao Paulo, Fernando Haddad, was also present to honor the opening section.

The meeting, which was attended by 1229 participants from 97 countries, reinforced its multistakeholder profile, with representatives of all sectors involved: Government, civil society, private sector, academia and global technical community. 77 countries took delegations with ministerial representatives to the event. All participated in the discussion sessions on the outcome document of the meeting, elaborated from the 188 content contributions received. The sessions are divided by topics in the outcome document, each representing points to consider for defining principles of Internet governance and a roadmap for the development of this ecosystem.

The discussion sessions still consider the 1370 comments made by the public about the outcome document, published on the official website of NETmundial, as well as comments sent by viewers who followed the event in real time through more than 30 remote hubs around the world. After each session, leaders gather to make annotations on the points related to the document. After the end of the two days of sessions, NETmundial will present a final version of the outcome document, as a suggestion for the global community in order to guide the development of Internet governance.

Second day

On Thursday, NETmundial will continue the sessions of discussion on the definition of principles of Internet governance and a roadmap for the development of this ecosystem. At the end of the day, the final outcome document will be officially presented. The lineup for the second day follows the schedule below:

8:30~10:30 Working Session 3: Principles part II
Chairs:  Markus Kummer and Anriette Esterhuysen
Advisors: Adam Peake, Chengetai Masango, Zahid Jamil, Maximiliano Martinhão, Manal Ismail.
-        Remaining topics.


11:00~13:00 Working Session 4: Roadmap part II
Chairs:  Janis Karklins and Dongman Lee
Advisors: Marilia Maciel, Michael Niebel, Maemura Akinori, Dominique Lazanski, Flavio Wagner.
-        Remaining topics.

Lunch break

14:00~16:30 Beyond NETmundial
-        Panel 1: NETmundial and the Internet Governance Ecosystem
Moderator: Andile Ngcaba
Panelists: Chengetai Masango, Christoph Steck, Fadi Chehadé, Hamadoun Touré, Kathy Brown, Milton Mueller.
-        Panel 2: Public consultation session with stakeholders about the transition of stewardship role of USG over the IANA functions
Moderator: Theresa Swinehart
Panelists: Adiel A. Akplogan, Byron Holland, Frederico Neves, Heather Dryden, Jari Arkko, Jonathan Robinson, Jörg Schweiger, Russ Housley.


17:00~18:00 Closing Session
Chairs of High Level Multistakeholder Committee (HLMC), Executive Multistakeholder Committee (EMC).


Useful Links:

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Social networks

YouTube Live:  (also with live stream)

Flickr – (official photos)

Facebook –

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Quick access:

Schedule – /agenda/

Draft outcome documment – https://document.

Content contributions received – https://content./docs/contribs

Participant list – /blog/2014/04/20/netmundial-announces-list-of-registered-participants/

Remote hubs list – /remote-participation/


About NETmundial

The Global Multistakeholder Meeting on the Future of Internet Governance will focus on crafting Internet governance principles and proposing a roadmap for the further evolution of the Internet governance ecosystem.  The meeting is scheduled for April 23rd and 24th 2014 in Sao Paulo, Brazil and will be live webcast enabling remote participation.  The meeting follows an initiative proposed by and /1net. #netmundial2014


The Brazilian Internet Steering Committee, responsible for establishing strategic directives related to the use and development of the Internet in Brazil, coordinates and integrates all Internet service initiatives in the country, promoting the technical excellence, innovation and dissemination of offered services. Based on the principles of multilateralism, transparency and democracy, represents a multistakeholder Internet governance model with the effective participation of all society sectors in their decisions. One of its formulations are the 10 Principles for the Governance and Use of the Internet ( More information:

About /1net

/1net provides an inclusive and open platform to discuss Internet governance matters for all those interested (individuals, governments, civil society, academia, technicians, and business). More information on how to participate: