NETmundial announces outcome document and agenda of the meeting

Document that will guide the discussions brings together the main points of the content contributions received. Platform allows comments and public review.

São Paulo, April 17th, 2014 – NETmundial – The Global Multistakeholder Meeting on the Future of Internet Governance – has released for public consultation the outcome document that will guide the discussions among the representatives of different sectors, from more than 80 countries, next week. The document is available at https://document., making use of an innovative tool to receive comments and external reviews. These contributions will be considered and will enrich the discussions at the event.

The 188 content contributions that were the basis for the elaboration of the document were submitted by representatives of civil society, the private sector, academy and the global technical community, totaling 46 countries. “The Internet is a collective construction and its governance process must also be built that way,” says Virgilio Almeida, President of NETmundial, reinforcing the multistakeholder proposal of the meeting.

The NETmundial reference document is divided in two sections, which represent the main goals that the meeting aims to discuss: 1) Internet governance principles, and 2) Roadmap for the future evolution of the Internet governance. Each section is divided into topics that should be addressed during the discussions:

Internet governance principles:
Human rights: Freedom of expression, freedom of association, privacy, accessibility, development, freedom of information and access to information;
Culture and linguistic diversity;
Unified and unfragmented space;
Security, stability and resilience of the Internet;
Open and distributed architecture;
Enabling environment for innovation and creativity;
Internet governance process principles: Multistakeholder, open, participative, consensus driven governance, transparent, accountable, inclusive and equitable, distributed, collaborative, enabling meaningful participation, accessibility and low barriers, agility;
Open standards.

Roadmap for the future evolution of the Internet governance:
Issues that deserve attention of all stakeholders in the Internet governance future evolution;
Issues dealing with institutional improvements;
Issues dealing with specific Internet governance topics;
Points to be further discussed beyond NETmundial;
Way forward.

The reference document has been prepared with the objective of guiding the discussions of NETmundial in order to, at the end of the two days of meeting, reach a consensus among the participating sectors. The document also represents a potential reference for use in other forums of discussions on Internet governance around the world.

All 188 content contributions sent to the NETmundial are available for reading at the address: https://content./docs/contribs or in .zip format: https://content./



Last update: April 20th, 2014 20:48 UTC


Tuesday – April 22nd


14:00~20:00 Pre-Registration
18:30~20:00 Welcome Reception


 Wednesday – April 23rd


7:30~19:00 Registration
9:00~9:30 Welcome Coffee
9:30~11:00 Opening Ceremony


-          Paulo Bernardo Silva, Minister of Communication, Brazil

-          Virgilio Almeida, NETmundial Chairman

-          Wu Hongbo, UN Under-Secretary-General

-          Nnenna Nwakanma, Civil Society

-          Vint Cerf, Private Sector

-          Tim Berners Lee, Technical Community

-          H.E. Dilma Rousseff, President of Brazil

11:00~13:00 Welcome Remarks 

-          Paulo Bernardo Silva, Minister of Communications, Brazil

-          Jose Eduardo Cardozo, Minister of Justice, Brazil

-          Neelie Kroes, VP, European Commission

-          Carl Bildt, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sweden

-          Lu Wei, Minister of the State Internet Information Office, China

-          Hamadoun Touré, Secretary General, ITU

-          Getachew Engida,  Deputy Director-General, UNESCO

-          José Carvalho da Rocha, Minister of Communications, Angola

-          Hasanul Haq Inu, Minister of Information,  Bangladesh

-          Joseph Alhadeff, Private Sector

-          Hessa Al Jaber, Minister of ICT, Qatar

-          Diego Molano Vega, Minister of ICT,  Colombia

-          Edward Kofi Omane Boamah, Minister of Communications, Ghana

-          Rafal Trzaskowski, Minister of of Administration and Digitisation, Poland

-          Nikolai Nikiforov, Minister of Communications and Mass Media, Russia

-          Jean Philibert Nsengimana, Ministry of Youth & ICT, Rwanda

-          Thierry Moungalla, Minister of Posts and Telecommunications, Congo

-          Jovan Kurbalija, Civil Society

-          Diego Canepa, President Deputy Secretary, Uruguay

-          Michael Daniel, Special Assistant to the President and the Cybersecurity Coordinator, USA  

-          Axelle Lemaire,  Secretary of State in charge of Digital Economy,  France

-          Morten Hoglund, Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs, Norway

-          Elmir Valizada, Vice-Minister of Communications, Azerbaijan

-          Jae-you Choi, Vice-Minister of Science, ICT and Future Planning, Republic of Korea

-          Wilfrido Gonzales Vidal, Vice-Minister of Communications, Cuba

-          David Johnson, Academia

-          Phil Philippo, Permanent Secretary of Transport and Communications, Marshal Islands

-          Raúl Perez Espejo, Vice-Minister of Communications,  Peru

-          David Ocampos Negreiros, Executive Secretary, National Secretary of Information technology, Paraguay

-          Vinay Kwatra, Deputy Secretary, Minister of Foreign Affairs, India.



Lunch break

14:00~14:30 Panel: Setting NETmundial Goals


-    Virgilio Almeida

-    Jeanette Hofmann

-    Zahid Jamil

-    Fadi Chehade

-    Benedicto Fonseca Filho

-    Carlos Afonso

14:30~16:00 Working Session 1: Principles


Chairs:  Markus Kummer and Adiel AkploganAdvisors: Adam Peake, Chengetai Masango, Dominique Lazanski, Maximiliano Martinhão, Manal Ismail.

-          Topic 1: Human rights

-          Topic 2: Culture and linguistic diversity

-          Topic 3: Unified and unfragmented space

-          Topic 4: Security, stability and resilience  of the  Internet



16:30~18:30 Working Session 2: Roadmap


Chairs:  Janis Karklins and Jeanette HofmannAdvisors: Marilia Maciel, Michael Niebel, Maemura Akinori, Zahid Jamil, Flavio Wagner.

-          Topic 1: Issues that deserve attention of all stakeholders in the Internet governance future evolution.

-          Topic 2: Issues dealing with institutional improvements.


 Thursday – April 24th


8:30~10:30 Working Session 3: Principles


Chairs:  Markus Kummer and Anriette EsterhuysenAdvisors: Adam Peake, Chengetai Masango, Dominique Lazanski, Maximiliano Martinhão, Manal Ismail.

-          Topic 5: Open and distributed architecture

-          Topic 6: Enabling environment for innovation and creativity

-          Topic 7: Internet governance process principles

-          Topic 8: Open standards



11:00~13:00 Working Session 4: Roadmap


Chairs:  Janis Karklins and Dongman LeeAdvisors: Marilia Maciel, Michael Niebel, Maemura Akinori, Zahid Jamil, Flavio Wagner.

-          Topic 3: Issues dealing with specific Internet Governance topics.

-          Topic 4: Points to be further discussed beyond NETmundial

-          Topic 5: Way forward


Lunch break

14:00~16:00 Beyond NETmundial

Chair: Joseph Alhadeff


Panel 1: Public consultation session with stakeholders about the transition of stewardship role of USG over the IANA functions (1 hour)

Moderator: Theresa Swinehart

Panelists: Adiel A. Akplogan, Frederico Neves, Russ Housley, Fadi Chehadé, Jari Arkko, Byron Holland, Jonathan Robinson, Jörg Schweigert, Heather Dryden.


Panel 2: NETmundial and the Internet Governance Ecosystem (1 hour)

Moderator: Joseph Alhadeff

Panelists: Chengetai Masango, Anriette Esterhuysen, Hamadoun Touré, Kathy Brown, Fadi Chehadé, Christoph Steck.




16:30~18:00 Closing Session


Chairs: Virgilio Almeida, Raul Echeberria and Demi Getschko.


About NETmundial

The Global Multistakeholder Meeting on the Future of Internet Governance will focus on crafting Internet governance principles and proposing a roadmap for the further evolution of the Internet governance ecosystem.  The meeting is scheduled for April 23rd and 24th 2014 in Sao Paulo, Brazil and will be live webcast enabling remote participation.  The meeting follows an initiative proposed by and /1net. #netmundial2014


The Brazilian Internet Steering Committee, responsible for establishing strategic directives related to the use and development of the Internet in Brazil, coordinates and integrates all Internet service initiatives in the country, promoting the technical excellence, innovation and dissemination of offered services. Based on the principles of multilateralism, transparency and democracy, represents a multistakeholder Internet governance model with the effective participation of all society sectors in their decisions. One of its formulations are the 10 Principles for the Governance and Use of the Internet ( More information:

About /1net

/1net provides an inclusive and open platform to discuss Internet governance matters for all those interested (individuals, governments, civil society, academia, technicians, and business). More information on how to participate: