Mapping NETmundial expected attendance towards a well-balanced multistakeholder meeting

The Expression of Interest period for the NETmundial meeting is open from February 5th until 28th. During this period, the NETmundial Executive Secretariat has been constantly collecting statistical data in order to better understand the characteristics of the expected meeting attendance. The following graphs represent some interesting views of the potential participants in the meeting based on data collected up to February 24th.

The largest share of interest in participating in NETmundial comes from the Private sector (28.8%) and the Civil Society (25.4%), followed by Governments (14.1%), Academia (13,5%) and the Technical Community (12,8%). It is important to note that the Brazilian Ministry of External Relations is receiving Expressions of Interests directly from governments through diplomatic channels. These numbers  will soon be updated.


There have been Expressions of Interest coming from all over the globe, including countries of all continents. The main group of interest in attendance comes from Latin America and Caribbean (38%), while North America and Europe have a similar volume of interests expressed (17.1% and 16.9%, respectively), followed by Asia (13.7%), Africa (10.7%) and Oceania (3.2%).


The following graph depicts the distribution of representatives from each sector and continent. Overall, every continent has all sectors represented, except for Oceania which is still lacking representatives from the academic sector. It is worth highlighting that the African Civil Society sent in more Expressions of Interest while in the Americas it was the Private Sector that sent in more Expressions of Interest.


Approximately 70% of those who filled the Expression of Interest form stated their intention of submitting a content contribution to the meeting covering one of the topics of the event: “Internet Governance Principles” or “Roadmap for the Further Evolution of the Internet Governance Ecosystem”.