NETmundial welcome board members

Sao Paulo, February 10, 2014 – In alignment with the multistakeholder spirit of the meeting, the Chairman of the NETmundial, Professor Virgílio Fernandes Almeida, has invited distinguished names to co-chair and lead the NETmundial organization.

From the academia, Jeanette Hofmann: an expert on internet governance, senior researcher at Social Science Research Center Berlin for Social Research (WZB), Research Officer at London School of Economics and Political Science, and also professor at Humboldt – University of Berlin.

As part of the civil society, Subi Chaturvedi is an activist-academician, from Delhi University,  and also an active research scholar at the Indian Institute of technology (IIT-D). As a media critic she writes extensively on best practices on Internet governance and the way forward through a bottoms up, inclusive, multistakeholder, approach to preserve core Internet values.

Representing the private sector, Andile Ngcaba is chairman, founder and majority shareholder of investment group Convergence Partners.

Complementing the group and representing the technical community is Fadi Chehade, President and CEO of ICANN, that holds more than 25 years of experience in building and leading progressive Internet enterprises.

Together, the multistakeholder chairmanship will ensure coordination among all the committees and the success of the conference. They will have their first meeting this Friday, February 14th, where they will discuss further coordination mechanisms, document drafting process, among other internal details.


About NETmundial

The Global Multistakeholder Meeting on the Future of Internet Governance will focus on crafting Internet governance principles and proposing a roadmap for the further evolution of the Internet governance ecosystem.  The meeting is scheduled for April 23rd and 24th 2014 in Sao Paulo, Brazil and will be live webcast enabling remote participation.  The meeting follows an initiative proposed by and /1net. #netmundial2014



The Brazilian Internet Steering Committee, responsible for establishing strategic directives related to the use and development of the Internet in Brazil, coordinates and integrates all Internet service initiatives in the country, promoting the technical excellence, innovation and dissemination of offered services. Based on the principles of multilateralism, transparency and democracy, represents a multistakeholder Internet governance model with the effective participation of all society sectors in their decisions. One of its formulations are the 10 Principles for the Governance and Use of the Internet ( More information:


About /1net

/1net provides an inclusive and open platform to discuss Internet governance matters for all those interested (individuals, governments, civil society, academia, technicians, and business). More information on how to participate: